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Prospective Families

Welcome future Pilots! We have designed this section of our website to help you in the school choice process. Reach out if you have questions or make arrangements to visit by connecting with our Parent Involvement Coordinator Stefanie Folkema. We can't wait to welcome you to our school.

If you're ready to enroll, please visit the Student Placement Center website or call 651-632-3760. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll my child at Murray Middle School? 
If you're ready to enroll, please visit the Student Placement Center website to fill out an online application or call 651-632-3760. 

What does Murray offer for gifted and talented students? 
At Murray, ALL students are challenged and inspired to reach their full potential in preparation for success in high school and beyond. We offer a full range of academically rigorous coursework. The math program includes pre-algebra, algebra, intermediate algebra geometry, and advanced online offerings. Our unique magnet science program offers advanced courses (Magnet I and II) with hands-on laboratory experiences in life, earth and physical science. Challenge-level courses in English and social studies prepare students for college preparatory coursework in high school.

Murray also offers a full range of rigorous general education and elective classes. These include beginning, intermediate and advanced bands; orchestra, art, health, physical education, Spanish, ELL, cultural studies, journalism, mythology, creative writing, graphic novels, history day and more.

What co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are offered? 
We are proud to offer several extra-curricular activities, including student leadership, athletics, debate, National Junior Honors Society, theatre and more! Students can also develop interests and master skills with nearly 25 after-school classes in academics, arts, athletics and technology with our EDL program – all in a nurturing environment that understands middle school kids, easing their academic and life transitions.

Who is the principal? 
The Murray Middle School community is led by Principal Jamin McKenzie and Assistant Principals Richard Terrell and Soraya Folley.

What are the demographics? 
Murray is located in the Saint Anthony Park community in Saint Paul, MN and enjoys a unique neighborhood setting where citizens are involved and interested in the school and its activities.