Varsity Band
Murray Middle School
Mr. Dahlberg
All instrumental music courses stem from a sequential curriculum. Certain courseprerequisites and/or teacher/counselor approval may be required to enroll inspecific advanced courses. When possible, the requirements are notated alongwith the course title.
Varsity Band
- Successful completion of Beginning Band Course (orequivalent if transferring from another school – Audition and teacher/counselorapproval required).
- Achieve and maintain letter grade of ‘B’ (3.0) orhigher in Beginning Band.
- Maintain letter grade of ‘B’ (3.0) or higher in VarsityBand.
- Proficiency of State and National Music Standards at BeginningBand level
Course Outline: This course is designed for 6th/7th/8thgrade students that have shown proficiency in all of the fundamental musicalskills (written and performed) covered in Beginning Band as aligned with Stateand National Music Standards. In addition, students must demonstrate maturityand discipline readiness for the intermediate form of rigor required for thistype of musical instruction. Students will further advance the skills andknowledge acquired in Beginning Band by demonstrating proficiency of extendedand applied skills of a band literature and method book material at a level 1.5- 2.0 + difficulty level. Students mustacquire and maintain a letter grade of ‘B’ (3.0) or higher in all Varsity Bandcoursework to continue participation in this level group. Proficiency in intermediatemusical theory skills and performance skills is an emphasized strand ofinstruction. Students will be notified of required band concerts and events asthey become known.
Expectations:Students will show proficiency in allaspects of understanding the mechanics and performance of their instruments,musical theory, terminology, history, expression and stylistic subtleties aspresented within the text of appropriate method books and/or musicalliterature, worksheets and/or other hand-outs.
Class/Rehearsal Procedures: All students must haveinstrument assembled, and be seated in their chair, ready for rehearsal within3 minutes after the bell has rung. Students not in their seats within that timewill be counted absent or tardy. Empty instrument cases should be placed inlocker cages during rehearsals. All materials should be with the student athis/her seat prior to the start of rehearsal including instrument, supplies forinstrument, pencil, all music, and folder.
Rehearsals will generally include threegeneral elements: Warm-ups (scales/etudes/chorales), new material(etudes/literature/method book) and Review (method/literaturereview/performance readiness) with some possible overlapping of instruction orskills based on the overall needs of the group.
Students are not allowed to talk orsocialize during rehearsals while the director or other instructor is on thepodium. Students will be rewarded at the end of class with a few minutes (5minutes) to socialize provided they work well during the rehearsal. Minutes tosocialize will be deducted if time is wasted during rehearsal and may carryoverto following days until time is repaid in full. Individual students that talkexcessively, disrupt instruction, or in any other way prevent other studentsfrom learning, will lose points from their final grade.
Gradingand Evaluation: Grading andassessment will be broken down into categories as follows:
- Attendance.Students will gain points for attending class on a regular basis. Students willhave 3 minutes from the time the bell rings to assemble instrument and findtheir seat. Tardiness to class (without an excused reason or pass) or tardinessin getting to one’s seat will result in the reduction of points.
- Preparation.Students will gain points for having instrument, music and all requiredmaterials to class on a regular basis. Students will lose points for lack ofrequired materials. Students are alsoresponsible for all lost or missing music loaned to them from the school at$10.00 per method book or $3.00 per piece of sheet music.
a. Required materials as follows:
- Instrument
- Supplies forinstrument (reeds, mouthpiece, cork grease, neck strap, drum sticks/practicepads, valve oil, etc.).
- Method Book(s) –loaned to student from school:
- MusicalLiterature (Sheet Music) loaned to student from school.
- Pencil(s) need tobe sharpened prior to sitting in chair for the start of class.
3. Daily Participation. Student exercisesdiscipline and maturity by participating and playing instrument at appropriatetimes during class rehearsals and raises hand/speaks with respect during classdiscussions. Student comes prepared by practicing or preparing the assignedlesson.
4. Playing Tests. Playingtests will be given on a regular basis as a method of determining the growth ofstudent with relation to the skills and standards being taught.
5. Worksheets/Written Exams. Worksheets and written exams will be given on a semiregular basis to test the musical knowledge of students with relation to thefundamental skills required as mandated by State and National Music Standards.
6. Practice Reports. Practicing is a required part of all instrumental music classes. Thisrequirement is in alignment with the district homework policy and will befactored into the final grade. See details below.
4. Playing Tests. Playingtests will be given on a regular basis as a method of determining the growth ofstudent with relation to the skills and standards being taught.
5. Worksheets/Written Exams. Worksheets and written exams will be given on a semiregular basis to test the musical knowledge of students with relation to thefundamental skills required as mandated by State and National Music Standards.
6. Practice Reports. Practicing is a required part of all instrumental music classes. Thisrequirement is in alignment with the district homework policy and will befactored into the final grade. See details below.
EmergencyProcedures: Emergency procedures willbe discussed in class including fire drills, tornado drills, evacuation andlockdown drills.
Music: All music will be provided by theschool. A variety of different methods, skills, genres and styles will beexplored to give the student a broad base for music appreciation. Musicalstyles will reflect important historical periods of time and importantcomposer’s works as it relates to the evolution of music as we understand andperform it in today’s time.
*Styles/Periodsof music that may be explored include but not limited to:
- EarlyMusic/Renaissance Music
- Baroque/Classical/RomanticPeriod Music
- ImpressionisticMusic
- ContemporaryMusic
- Jazz/Blues
- BigBand/Dixieland
- Overtures
- Marches
- Pop/Rock
- Cultural/Ethnic/Regional
Practice Reports: Practicereports will becollected every Monday for the prior week’s practice. 60 minutes ofhome practice each week is required of each participating band student.
Concerts and Events: Concertsare a requiredpart of the instrumental music curriculum. All or some of the pointsallottedfor a required concert may be deducted from a student final reportcard for unexcused absences. Sports practices and scrimmages, otherarts activity practices and weekly lessons,other regularly scheduled extra-curricular activities, etc. are not considered excusable reasons for missing a band concert. In the eventan absence for a scheduled concert or event occurs that has beendetermined a valid and excusable purpose (planned or unplanned), analternate assignment will be assigned and due back to Mr. Dahlbergwithin one week of the scheduled missed concert to receive full credit(TBA). Please contact me if you are aware of any planned reasons forconcert absences so alternate performers and/or appropriate music canbe chosen based on available instrumentation. Please contact me withquestions or for further clarification.
Required Concerts:
- Thursday, December 14, 2017 @ 6:30 P.M. @ MMS
- Thursday, May 17, 2018 @ 6:30 P.M. @ MMS
Other Concerts/Events: (Although these concerts/events may not be required, someevents will require the majority of members performing to participate – in theevent any event occurs during the school day, it will be expected that allmembers will participate in the event as a class/school field trip).
We will discuss andchoose from the following:
- Business Partnership Concerts
- Twins/Wild Game – Star SpangledBanner (TBA)
- Joint Concert with St. PaulSenior High/Suburb Jr. H
- Adjudicated Festival – i.e. PAC /Valleyfair (Spring)
- MOA/other mall
- Parade
- Elementary School Recruiting Tour
- Nursing Home(s)