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Wolf Ridge

      Wolf Ridge Image

"My favorite thing at Wolf Ridge is that I got to go canoeing for the first time ever in Voyageur Life. Also, teachers, Ropes Course, and Mystical Mountain. I got to the top of the climbing wall and let chickadees land on my head in the Bird Study class. All of the classes were fantastic! I wanna come back, but I can't!"

This is was representative of the comments written by students on their last night at the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center near Finland Minnesota, in the Superior National Forest. More than just a camp, the ELC is an accredited school. After selection by a lottery process, students going to Wolf Ridge met in a special homeroom in the Auditorium for a month before the retreat.

A total of 72 students and 16 adults spent five days filled with activity at the ELC this past November. Students were divided into six groups, each with two student leaders. This year's trip is November 15-19.